


CBR (California Bearing Ratio) test was developed by The California State highway department. CBR is widely used to to evaluate the potential strength of subgrade, 底基层, 基础课程材料, including recycled materials f或使用 in the design of road and airfield pavements. The CBR test is outlined in ASTM D1883 and AASHTO T193. The test involves a simple penetration test using a load frame and a standard, compacted CBR test mold of the material to be tested. The results of the test are then compared and evaluated to known standards already established for the material being tested.

ASTM D1883 covers the determination of the CBR or California Bearing Ratio of pavement subgrade, 底基层, 基础课程材料 from laboratory compacted specimens. The test method is primarily intended for, 但不限于, evaluating the strength of materials having maximum particle size less than 3/4 in. (19 mm).

LBR or lime-rock bearing ratio is a variation of the CBR test. Developed primarily in Florida, it is used on materials with a high lime content.

洪堡 offers several CBR testing load frame solutions based on your overall testing needs and budget, 从先进的HM-5030.3F load frame with computer interface using our NEXT software to a simple, hand-operated H-4156 load frame suitable for lab or field use.

洪堡's Elite Series 加载框架 provide the materials testing lab with a choice of three, highly-versatile and precision-built 加载 systems covering a range of testing applications. The HM-5030 is the workhorse of the group, capable of handling any testing need up to 50kN or 11,000磅力.

These machines provide four (4) integral and independent data acquisition channels, which can be utilized in stand-alone configurations or accessed through a LAN-networked computer using 洪堡's Next Software. Elite series load frames are built with durable, 高质量的 components and feature the use of a stepper motor, precision gears and gear box to ensure smooth and reliable operation, 以及精确的结果.

In stand-alone mode, these load frames provide a 7" (178mm) touch-screen controller. 这些新的防水材料, 触摸屏提供丰富多彩的, at-a-glance monitoring of testing functions without the use of a computer. Operators can see all the data in several formats at the machine while the test is running. Data can then be viewed simultaneously or downloaded later to a computer in the lab, in the next room or at a different location, while also providing report generation capabilities from within 洪堡's NEXT software or our enhanced test-specific modules.

Also available is our basic multi-speed machine, the HM-2850. This load frame is designed for those who want a simple, 高质量的, multi-purpose load frame without built-in data acquisition capabilities.


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